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  • Great news: The music album is out!

    By Community Manager

    It is with great joy that we are pleased to announce the release of the album “Seek First the Kingdom of God” by Jésed Music Ministry. This project has been realized at the request of the General Curia of the Theatine Order, in honor of the monumental milestone of the…

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  • Confirmed singers

    By Community Manager

    Within the framework of the V Centenary of the foundation of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatines, the “Musical Theatine”, to be premiered on September 11, 2024, directed by Maestro and Musical Director Christian Gara, is in development. Below we share the confirmed singers.

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  • Mostra “Opere del Tempo di Guerra”

    By Community Manager

    “Wartime Works” exhibition Coinciding with the time of Lent and Holy Week 2024, on the Fifth Centenary of Foundation of the Order of Theatines, sculptor Capri Otti (Luciano Capriotti), thanks to the sensitivity and welcome of the Rector of the Basilica of St. Andrew della Valle, Fr. Joao Marcos Boranelli,…

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  • Preaching for the Clergy of Vicenza (Italy)

    By Community Manager

    Within the framework of the V Centenary of the founding of the Order of Clerics Regular Thetines, our Vicar General, Rev. Fr. Marcelo R. Zubía, C.R., was invited by the Episcopal Curia of Vicenza, to participate in the Beginning of Lent Retreat for priests , deacons and religious of the…

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  • Activities in Malta

    By Community Manager

    During the next month of April 2024, as part of the activities for the 5th. Centenary of the founding of the Order of Theatine Regular Clerics, Rev. Fr. Marcelo R. Zubía, C.R., Vicar General of the Order, will participate in a visit to Malta, where there is enormous devotion to…

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  • Animated video: St. Cajetan and the Theatine foundation

    By Community Manager

    Discover the fascinating story of St. Cajetan and the birth of the Clerics Regular Theatines in our new animated video! Join the little ones on an exciting journey through the life of this inspirational saint and how the Theatine Order came to be. Get ready to immerse yourself in an…

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  • Interview on 60 MINUTI NEWS

    By Community Manager

    We share the edition of the episode of 60 MINUTI NEWS, on TeleMia, hosted by Raffaella Silvestro, in which the young people, Sofia Randazzo, Serena Andrea Calabrese and Christian Gara will be the protagonists of “Calabrians in the World”, a program that will explore the bond profound and centenary of…

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  • New paintings in progress for the General House.

    By Community Manager

    Rodolfo Papa, a prominent artist, begins the creation of new works that will enrich the internal gallery of the General House of the Order of Clerics Regular, Theatines. These paintings are a fundamental part of the commemoration of the fifth centenary of the founding of the order. With his brush,…

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