Venerable Francesco Olimpio, C.R. (5 Aug 1559 – 21 Feb 1639)

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The Venerable Francesco Olimpio was born in Naples on August 5, 1559, of a wealthy family originally from Capua. On 16 February 1575 he asked to enter the Theatines. On 17 June 1576 he took his religious vows in the Church of SS. Apostles in Naples. He was ordained a priest on February 25, 1584.
He carried out his apostolate mainly in Naples and for short periods in Bitonto, Vico Equense, Sorrento and Capua. He distinguished himself for his love of poverty, humility and self-sacrifice. He intensely loved the sacrament of the Eucharist, before which he gathered in adoration for many hours. The Word of God was the point of reference for his whole life and he especially urged young people to read it assiduously.
He had a special tenderness for children, on whose face he saw the innocent face of Jesus. For them he performed miracles and wonders. The same baby Jesus gladdened him with his visit with the words: “I am the Jesus you love in the little ones”.
Very devoted to the Virgin Mary in the mystery of her Immaculate Conception, he spread a special prayer among the people, exalting the privileges with which the Mother of God was endowed.
Lived in an atmosphere of sanctity with Sant’Andrea Avellino, Blessed Paolo Burali d’Arezzo, Ven. Orsola Benincasa, died in Naples on February 21, 1639. His body was transferred from the church of SS. Apostles, in 1822, to the Church of San Paolo Maggiore, where he rests in the crypt of the same Basílica.
His virtues were declared heroic on August 10, 1783. The people invoke him as protector of children and suffering childhood.
Oh God, in the mystery of the infancy of your Son Jesus, our Lord, you gladdened your priest Francesco Olimpio by allowing him to benefit children with wonders and graces to protect their health of body and spirit. We implore from your goodness that the love that he brought you in life is still today for our children: protection, blessing and deliverance from all evil.
Through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary and the prayer of your Servant Francesco Olimpio, grant us the grace we now ask. For Christ our Lord. Amen.
(There is a silence asking for the grace)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Thought of Ven. Francesco Olimpio:
“With my humble heart on the ground, I kiss your holiness’ feet, begging you to deign to graciously bless me for my intention.
Sit nomen Domini benedictum et Virginis Mariae”.
(Greeting to Pope Urban VIII)