Theatines from Argentina, leave Our Lord Hallado Parish (Empedrado)

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On September 14, in the recurrence of the 498th anniversary of the Foundation of the Order, the Theatines of Argentina said goodbye to the Parroquia Nuestro Señor Hallado and the Fundación de Empedrado, after two decades of pastoral, missionary and social service. in that locality Correntina.
This decision was made by the last Provincial Chapter, and after intense discernment, and thus was communicated to Archbishop Correntino a few months ago.
In order for the farewell to be a thanksgiving, it was agreed to celebrate it within the framework of the town’s main festival, the Solemnity of the Cross, when the inhabitants of the urban area and the rural area fill the central square to celebrate the centenary of Cristo Foundado. The Eucharist was presided over by Fr. Ariel Weissman and concelebrated by a large group of priests from neighboring parishes. Fr. Pedro Romero, Provincial of the Theatines, was accompanied by Fr. Mariano Salvador, the juniors of the Province and an aspirant.
The previous days, during the novena -which has been lived with great intensity in the town’s neighborhoods since the arrival of the Theatines-, were a beautiful opportunity to give thanks for the shared journey and to receive from the people gestures and words of gratitude for each one of the Fathers who developed their ministry there.
During the Eucharistic celebration, the homily prepared by the Archbishop of Corrientes, Msgr. Andrés Stanovnik, who regretted not being able to attend the moment for health reasons, was read. In his words he reflected the feelings of the People of God who, saddened by the departure of the Theatines, feel grateful to God for the generous dedication of these religious who, imitating Saint Cajetan, deeply loved the Church with their feet on the ground. of the Virgin of Itatí and of the Found Lord. The innumerable signs of affection and recognition bear witness to this, the bishop pointed out.
At the end of the mass, Fr. Pedro shared a few words of thanks and farewell on behalf of the Order. When he mentioned the names of the religious who were part of the Casa de Empedrado, the square closed in applause.
At the end of the Eucharist, the Municipal Mayor, Mr. José Cheme, deeply moved, addressed the Fathers and asked them to let all the members of the congregation know that Empedrado and the Teatinos will be forever united, the Lord Hallado will be the guarantor of that communion. He also delivered a reminder plaque and a municipal decree where the feelings of gratitude that overwhelm the entire town are recorded.
P. Pedro M. Romero, Provincial Superior of the Theatines of Argentina