New Provincial Superior for Spain-Colombia Province of San Alfonso and the Immaculate

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Dear brothers,
We share with you the joyous news that Fr. Francisco Delgado, CR, secretary of the Provincial Chapter of Spain, has sent to our General Secretariat. Let us give thanks to the Lord.
Dear Father Antonio Cabrera, CR
General Secretary.
Receive a cordial greeting in the joy of the Risen Lord.
As Secretary of the Chapter of the Province of the Immaculate and Saint Alphonsus, I am pleased to inform you that, having been summoned by the M.R.P. Salvador Rodea González CR, Superior General, to proceed to the canonical election of the Provincial Superior, at 6:20 p.m. on April 20, 2022 in our Casa Santuario Nuestra Señora del Castañar de Béjar, the M.R.P. Pablo Guerrero Pacheco, CR has been elected as the new Provincial Superior of our Province of the Regular Clerics (Theatines) of Spain and Colombia.
Our prayers for the Lord to enlighten and accompany your work as Provincial Superior.
A brotherly hug.
Fr. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, CR
Provincial Chapter Secretary