Provincial Chapter begins from Spain Province of San Alfonso and the Immaculate

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Dear brothers,
In this time of Easter, a time of joy and waiting for the Spirit, we ask you for a trusting prayer in Divine Providence and through the intercession of Our saints and blessed, for the Provincial Chapter of our brothers in Spain: Saint Cajetan, Saint Andrew Avelino Saint Joseph Mary Tomasi, Blessed Paúl Burali, Venerable Vincent María Moreli, pray for us. Amen.
Yesterday, April 18, 2022, the Provincial Chapter of our Theatine brothers of the Province of San Alfonso and the Immaculate of Spain-Colombia began.
The Eucharist of the Holy Spirit, presided over by our Superior General, Rvdmo. P. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., has been concelebrated by the chapter fathers in the Shrine of Our Lady of Castañar, Béjar-Salamanca.
To her, Mother of the Church, Virgin of Purity, we entrust the Chapter work of our brothers.