First religious profession of the novice Jeremías Germán Aguirre, originally from the Theatine Province of Argentina

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Within the framework of the International Theatine Novitiate that is taking place successively in the Theatine House of Saint Paul the Greater in Naples, a candidate for the first theatine religious profession has been approved. This is Jeremías Germán Aguirre, a native of Mercedes, Corrientes, Argentina, where he was born on January 12, 1994.
Along with the graves of our Saints, Blessed and Venerable, who illuminate the Neapolitan decumanus with theatricality, Jeremías has been able to spend the canonical year of novitiate, under the exemplary guidance of Fr. Carmine Mazza, CR, at the time Provincial Prepósito and Maestro of Novices.
Father Aleksander Iwaszczonek, C.R., also collaborated tirelessly in the same process of formation, so that the Argentine novice could discern with ease the ways that God placed before his eyes and thus embrace our theatine life.
For this reason, we are very happy to share the letter Prot. Nº Seg. 15/20, dated in Naples on May 31, 2020 – whose facsimile accompanies these lines -, in which the Provincial Secretary of the Theatines in Italy, P. Aleksander Iwaszczonek, CR, communicated to the Theatine Province of Argentina that the novice Jeremías Aguirre will profess for the first time as a religious of our Order of Theatines Regular Clerics on June 17, 2020, at 18:00, Italian time.