Diaconal Ordination of Brother João Víctor Dos Santos Silva, C.R.

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As we opportunely announced, next Sunday, June 14, 2020, at 11:00 am, the diaconal ordination of Brother João Víctor Dos Santos Silva, CR, a theatine religious of Brazilian origin who is part of the General House of Sant ‘Andrea della Valle de Roma.
In a fervent and heartfelt celebration – carried out, as can be seen in the attached photographs, with the proper collection of these times of pandemic – S.E.R. Archbishop Jorge Carlos Patrón Wong, Archbishop-Bishop Emeritus of Papantla and Secretary for the Seminars of the Congregation for the Clergy, conferred the sacrament of sacred order in the first degree of the diaconate on this dear brother of ours.
The members of the General House of the Order of Theatine Regular Clerics and of the Theatine International College “San José María Tomasi”, of the Theatine Houses of San Gaetano de Roma, San Gaetano de Morlupo and San Paolo Maggiore de Naples, together with religious – particularly the Theatines and those of Providence of San Cayetano de Thiene -, religious and lay people close to the neo-deacon.