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  • USG & UISG: Last day.

    By Community Manager

    On the last day of the joint work day of the USG-UISG, under the theme “Synodality: a renewed call to the prophecy of hope”, our Superior General, Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodea González, C.R. shares with us some of the work tables and the collaborative conclusions. We thank the Lord for…

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  • USG & UISG: Postcards 11-23

    By Community Manager

    We share some postcards sent by our Superior General Rev. P. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., who is participating in the Meeting and Joint Work of the USG and UISG, around Synodality.

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  • Theatine Glossary Nº3: “MOTTO”

    By Community Manager

    As part of the Theatine Jubilee Year, we are launching the “Theatine Glossary”. A series of monthly videos that will accompany us throughout this year on the road to the V Centenary, in which, by the hand of the Vicar General of the Order, Rev Fr. Marcelo R. Zubía, C.R.,…

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  • USG and UISG Joint Work: Synodality

    By Community Manager

    Yesterday, the joint work of the USG and UISG, the Unions of Superiors General Male and Female, began. Our Superior General, Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., is participating in this meeting, based on Synodality. From there he has shared with us these images of the Holy Father. We unite…

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  • Presentation of the book “La saga dei Tomasi” (Palermo)

    By Community Manager

    It was a wonderful evening of participation in the presentation of the book “La saga dei Tomasi” by Don Vincenzo Arnone, accompanied by the enlightening cultural, historical and spiritual perspective offered by Professor Anna Pia Viola, professor of philosophy at the Theological Faculty of Palermo. The profound analysis of prof.…

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  • Prayers for the Caetano family

    By Community Manager

    DEATH NOTICE MR. JOSE ALFONSO CAETANO We are sad to announce that this morning, the 12th, Mr. José Afonso Caetano, father of the Rev. Julio César Caetano, CR, passed away. Let us pray in a special way for the eternal repose of Mr. José Afonso and for all his family!…

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  • Diaconate Ordination in Rome

    By Community Manager

    The Order of Clerics Regular Theatines, within the framework of the Theatine Jubilee Year towards the 500 years of foundation, and the Vargas Sosa Family, announce with great joy the Diaconate Ordination of the Brother of Solemn Vows: Emmanuel Vargas Sosa CR. Which will be conferred by the laying on…

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