Upcoming Theatine Provincial Chapters, in view of the 2022 General Chapter

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We recall the dates of the next Theatine Provincial Chapters, in which the Delegates for the CLXIV General Chapter of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular will be chosen.
– On June 28, 2021, in “Holy Family”, Pueblo, CO, U SA, the Provincial Chapter of the Theatine Clerics Regular of the USA will be held.
– From July 5 to 7, 2021, the appropriate Provincial Chapter of the Theatine Clerics Regular of Spain will take place, in the House of Our Lady of Castañar, Béjar, SAL, Spain.
– For their part, the Theatine Clerics Regular of Brazil will celebrate the Provincial Chapter, preparing for the 164th General Chapter, from July 8 to 9, 2021, in the House of Formation “San Pío X”, in Fartura, SP, Brazil .
– The Theatine Province of Italy, called “Bambino Gesù”, will have its corresponding Provincial Chapter from September 27 to 29, 2021, in the convent of Santa Maria Seconda, Morlupo, RM, Italy.