Theatine Province of Brazil – Election of Delegates to the 164th General Chapter of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines –

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On the seventh day of the month of July of this year 2021, the Theatine Province of Brazil, called “Paul VI”, began the Provincial Chapter in preparation for the 164th General Chapter of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines, whose beginning is scheduled on January 5, 2022, in Rome.
The Provincial Chapter that our Brazilian brothers celebrated has coincided with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Theatine Fathers in Brazil, which is why that instance of provincial government has been adorned by the renewed memory of a founding event.
Among other things approved and confirmed by this Provincial Chapter of the Theatines of Brazil, the election of the Delegates to the 164th General Chapter of our Order took place, with the following religious priests being elected for this purpose:
1st Delegate: Fr. Osman Procópio Da Silva, C.R.
2nd Delegate: Fr. José Sergio De Lima, C.R.
3rd Delegate: Fr. Rafael Tadeu Dias Machado, C.R.
Substitutes for Delegates:
1st – Fr. Paulo Henrique Mazeto, C.R.
2nd – Fr. Blener Domínguez, C.R.
3rd – Fr. Jesús Ángel Bermeo González, C.R.