Notice of the death of R.P. Pasquale Di Pietro, C.R.

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Dear brothers,
It is with deep sorrow that we inform you that on this day, July 15, 2021, at 09:45 a.m., our dear brother, Fr. Pasquale Di Pietro, C.R., has departed for the homeland of heaven.
His health had been weakening quite rapidly lately, for which reason the appropriate medical care had been provided, which was provided in the religious House itself.
Let us pray for the soul of this brother of ours who, during almost seventy-four years of ministerial priesthood, knew how to irrigate the furrows of the Kingdom of God with faith, hope and charity.
May Saint Cajetan take him by the hand and present him with the candid dress of the just men before the throne of heavenly glory !!!
Short biographical sketch from Father Pasquale:
He was born in Salerno (SA), on October 2, 1922.
Aspirated: 11/3/1934.
Novitiate: 10/17/37.
First Profession: 10/18/1938.
Diaconate Ordination: 1947.
Priestly Ordination: 11/10/1947.
He has been a member of the General Council for Economic Affairs (1992) and General Treasurer (1998), as well as Provincial Superior of the Theatines in Italy.
From 1948 he carried out his pastoral activity in the Saint Cajetan church in Vicenza. In this church, starting in 1957, he held an annual children’s concert under the motto “Popoli tutti lodate il Signore”.
He was also the author of innumerable informational brochures on the life and work of the Theatine Saints and Blessed, along with other publications of religious and cultural interest. Among them, he has bequeathed us a Ricordi di un teatino, a beautiful collection of autobiographical cartoons.