September 14, 2020: Three theatine religious professions in Naples

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This past September 14, 2020, in San Pablo el Mayor in Naples, Brothers Pablo Guillermo Almazán Gómez Tagle, Henrique Nunes Oliveira and Pedro Pablo [Roberto] Alvarado López, CC.RR, made their first theatine religious profession for one year . The three newly professed completed their canonical novitiate year in the Santísima Casa de San Pablo el Mayor, the historic residence of the Theatines in the city of Vesuvius – as we already reported in Teatinos en Camino, year V – Nº 27 -.
There, guided by Frs. Carmine Mazza and Aleksander Iwaszczonek, CC.RR., were able to enrich themselves with the experience of our charism in the House that preserves the memory and mortal remains of Saint Cayetano, Saint Andrés Avelino, Blessed Juan Marinoni, Blessed Paul Card. Burali d’Arezzo, the Venerable Francisco Olimpio, Ven. Santiago Torno, and so many other Theatines of luster, who crossed the paths of our most glorious and honorable history.
Our General Superior, Rvdmo. Father Salvador Rodea González, C.R., presided over the Eucharistic celebration and received the religious profession of these three brothers of ours.
With apostolic zeal and theatine ardor, our Father General reflected on the meaning of following Christ, carrying his cross on our backs. With the same intensity, he invited us to read, from the Gospel, the value of religious profession and everything that supports the renunciation that is behind our choice of life. Renunciation that is not a denial of one’s own person, but a displacement of the axis from the overvalued “I” to the generosity of service to God and his Church.