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The Theatine Fathers of Argentina already have a new provincial government

Yesterday, memory of Saint Aloysius Mary Grignon de Montfort, the Theatine Province  from Argentina "Our Lady of Luján and Saint Cajetan", together...

State of health of Fr. Pedro Estelrich Juan, CR – Spain

Dear brothers in Christ: This afternoon, Fr. Pedro Estelrich, C.R. He has suffered a fall that has caused various injuries, including a broken hip...

The Theatines of Spain-Colombia launch Provincial Council

Dear brothers, Immersed in the Easter joy of this joyful octave that the Lord gives us, the Theatine Fathers of Spain-Colombia have finished their...

New Provincial Superior for Spain-Colombia Province of San Alfonso and the Immaculate

Dear brothers, We share with you the joyous news that Fr. Francisco Delgado, CR, secretary of the Provincial Chapter of Spain, has sent to our General...

Provincial Chapter begins from Spain Province of San Alfonso and the Immaculate

Dear brothers, In this time of Easter, a time of joy and waiting for the Spirit, we ask you for a trusting prayer in Divine Providence and through the...

Fr. Ambrose Cots Dorca, CR. successfully intervened

Greetings from the City of Rome. On this Tuesday, March 30, 2022, already the fourth of Holy Lent, we joyfully received the news from Fr. Francisco...

Training on the history of the Theatines. II Meeting: Birth of the Regular Clerics

In preparation for the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the foundation of our Theatine Order, this is the second of a series of eight episodes...