Renewal of Vows, in Morlupo

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Last September 13, in memory of Saint John Chrysostom, in the city of Morlupo (Rome), Brother Guillermo Almazán Gómez Tagle, C.R., Brother Henrique Nunes Olivieira, C.R. and Brother Roberto Alvarado López, C.R., have renewed their vows, in a celebration presided over by the Superior General, Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., the Vicar General Rev. Fr. Marcelo R. Zubía, C.R., the Secretary General, Rev. Fr. Antonio Cabrera Olmedo, C.R., the Master of Juniors, Rev. Fr. Osman Procópio da Silva, C.R., accompanied by the Fathers of the Italian Province and the youth of the “Saint Joseph Mary Tomasi” International Theatine School.
We pray for these brothers of ours, so that their vocations may be blessed.