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Visit to the mission in Portugal – part 2-

We received more postcards of the visit of our Superior General, Salvador Rodea González, C.R. in the Teatina Mission in the Diocese of Évora...

S. Andrew Avellino, first biographer of Blessed Paul Burali

Rejected three bishoprics "We were novices together. I was a Priest and he served Mass for me. But bearing in mind that he was eleven years more...

Visit to the mission in Portugal

Currently our Superior General, Salvador Rodea González, C.R. is currently visiting the Teatina House in the Diocese of Évora (Vendas Novas...

Solemn Professions of the International Theatine College

The Order of Clerics Regular Theatines is pleased to invite you to participate in the Solemn Profession of our dear brothers Pablo Guillermo C.R. from...

Solemn Profession in Mexico

The Order of Clerics Regular Theatines and the Theatine Province "Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Cajetan" of Mexico, is pleased to invite you to...

Presbyteral Ordination of Diac. José Lorenzo de Maria, C.R.

The Order of Clerics Regular Theatines, the Theatine Province "Paul VI" of Brazil, the Deacon José Lorenzo de Maria, C.R. and his family, invite to...

Rest in Peace Mr. Héctor Manuel Ledesma Romero, Father of the Provincial Superior of the

Communication from the Provincial Secretary of the Theatines of Mexico, Rev. Fr. José Saavedra Flores, C.R. Dear Secretary General, I share with you...

Banners of the 500 years, for the Theatine Provinces

In view of the promotion and divulgation of the Theatine History on the way to the V Centenary of the foundation of the Order, the series of 12...