BLESSED PAOLO BURALI Bishop of Piacenza. Archbishop of Naples. Cardinal. -3º Part-

Cargando.. por favor espere...
S. Andrew Avellino, first biographer of Blessed Paolo Burali
Bishop of Piacenza, under penalty of mortal sin.
Appointed Bishop of Piacenza, he was warned of this by the Cardinal of Pisa, who advised him not to insist on renunciation and told him that he would get nothing, because Pius V resolutely demanded that he accept the bishoply dignity.
Nevertheless, the said Father, went on the same straight day to the Pope and wanted at all costs to decline the honorable position, alleging many reasons. Here is the first reason: “Holy Father, I cannot accept this burden because I am not fit to govern souls.” The Pope replied, “Hermits were chosen from the desert and God guided them in governing and helped them in carrying such a burden.” Father Burali continued, “I am infirm, Holy Father, and I do not have sufficient health to lead a diocese.” Pius V replied that the Lord would think about it.
Third, the shy Father said, “Holy Father, scandal will be given to the world. What will be thought, knowing that I did not accept the bishoprics offered by King Philip that were of lesser currency, if I accept that of Piacenza that is of greater income?” The Holy Pontiff cut it short: “Let us leave these human respects.” Finally Burali defended himself, “Holy Father, do not make me unhappy all my life.” The Pope concluded with authority, “This is too much. I command you in virtue of holy obedience and under penalty of mortal sin that you speak no more.” Father burst into tears and could not utter a word. The Pope consoled him by saying, “Get up. Tomorrow (which was Saturday) you will prepare yourselves and after tomorrow you will be consecrated.”
On Sunday the Cardinal of Pisa went to the Church of St. Sylvester and consecrated him. Afterwards the one who had filled out the bullae to be paid came to the newly elected. Father answered him, “Where do I get so many scudi? Tell the Pope that he should keep the Bishopric and the Bulls.” Knowing this, Pius V ordered that the Bulls be given to him and, in addition, sent him five hundred scudi and ordered him to set out.
O God, who manifested in Blessed Paul Burali the manifold and admirable ways of your call to Christian perfection, grant us the comfort of his heavenly protection to follow you wholeheartedly. Through Christ our Lord. Amén.
(there is a small silence to ask for the grace that each one carries in his heart)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Thought of Blessed Paul Burali:
“Whoever is Christ’s seek Christ, and seek him with the heart and freedom of the spirit. Only in this way will the yoke of Christ become light and gentle, otherwise one bears it unwillingly and recalcitrant, without ever being able to nourish the hope of breathing in the light of God’s infinite goodness” .