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Preaching for the Clergy of Vicenza (Italy)

Within the framework of the V Centenary of the founding of the Order of Clerics Regular Thetines, our Vicar General, Rev. Fr. Marcelo R. Zubía, C.R...

Priestly Ordination in Argentina

The Order of Theatine Regular Clerics, together with the Tarabini-Pascucci Family, with great joy invite you to participate in the Eucharist in which...

Activities in Malta

During the next month of April 2024, as part of the activities for the 5th. Centenary of the founding of the Order of Theatine Regular Clerics, Rev...

First Profession of Novices in Spain

On February 17, the Eucharist was celebrated in which the brothers: Elder Ordoñez Gironza, Daniel Ricardo Rodríguez Quijano, Juan Diego Prieto Moreno...

Beginning of Lent from Mexico

Last February 14, Ash Wednesday, the Season of Lent began. Next, by clicking on the link below the text, you will be able to see the journalistic note...

“With no other rule than love!”

On the morning of February 11, in Pato Branco-PR, Rev. Father Rafael Tadeu, CR; Provincial Preposto of Brazil accompanied by Fr. Lucas Gobbo, CR...

Treaty of the Blessed Sacrament of the altar

This treatise seeks to answer why the Lord has instituted this great Sacrament. This is why Andrew Avelino explains how God, having created man with...

Lent calendar for children and young people

From the Theatine Province of Spain and Colombia, the Provincial Secretary, R.P. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R., shares with us the Lent...