Perpetual Profession of a Theatine Nun in Sant’Andrea della Valle

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In these days, in which the brief and small silhouette of the Venerable Sister Úrsula Benincasa walks through the andurriales of memory, so that we cannot help but remember her passage to heaven, which took place on October 20, 1618, The Theatine Sisters of the Immaculate Conception enjoyed the definitive incorporation into their Congregation of Sister Chantal T. Ouédraogo, RR.TT., who is originally from Burkina Faso.
The ceremony took place on Saturday, October 17, 2020, within Holy Mass, in the Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle.
The Eucharist was presided over by our Superior General, Rt. Father Salvador Rodea González, C.R. For her part, the Mother General of the Teatine Sisters, Sr. Francisca Gil, RR.TT, received the profession of Sr. Chantal in her hands. A marvelous squad of concelebrants displayed priestly, religious and cultural communion, in a liturgical environment tinged with typically African rhythms and Italian music, bringing together the languages ??that identified all those present: Italian, French, Spanish and Moore. Undoubtedly, the warmth of the Sisters of Sister Chantal was fervently manifested in the choir constituted “ad hoc”, in which some juniors of the International Teatino College “San José María Tomasi” took part.
Sister Chantal has made her perpetual vows under the motto: “Imitate quanto potete le virtù della Beata Vergine, soprattutto la sua grande carità, sia per amare Dio che per amare il prossimo (Suor Orsola Benincasa)”. He also dedicated to those present, especially the Father General of the Teatines, the Mother General of the Teatines and Sister Rosa Maria Esteban, RR.TT., Provincial Superior of the Teatinas of Spain, an emotional gratitude. Programmatic words that concluded a solemn and dignified celebration. “Dio provvidente, meraviglioso dono è il tuo Amore. My dono senza riserve nelle tue mani. Grazie per aver riempito la mia vita ”, our beloved Theatine sister proclaimed with sobriety and joy at the end of the Eucharist.