New Provincial Secretary of the Theatines in Brazil

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Dear brothers:
I take this opportunity to greet you and share with you that the Provincial Father of Theatines Regular Clerics of the “Paulo VI” Province of Brazil, M.R.P. Túlio César Caetano, C.R., has conferred the office of Provincial Secretary in the congregational jurisdiction that presides over the R.P. Elvis José Corrêa, C.R., as recorded in Act Prot. N. 118/2020, of June 4, 2020, which we publish below.
To contact Fr. Elvis for official questions, you can do so by writing to the email address
May you all have a good day, in which we remember the great bishop, missionary and martyr, Saint Boniface!
R.P. Marcelo R. Zubia, C.R.
a secretis