Entrance to the Novitiate, in Naples

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Today, September 14, in memory of the founding of our Order, in the crypt of Saint Cajetan, during the ninth hour prayer, François-Schadrack Iyondo Ikoli, José Adrián Marinero Peralta and Pedro Calleja Sánchez, members of our Theatine Order , began in the city of Naples (Italy), the novitiate under the guidance of the Provincial Superior of Italy, Rvdo. Fr. Carmine Mazza, C.R., and Fr. Aleksander Iwaszczonek, C.R., in a ceremony presided over by the Superior General, Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., and in which the Theatine Fathers and young members of the “Sain Joseph Mary Tomasi” International Teatine School participated.
We pray for these brothers of ours, so that their vocations may be blessed.