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The Forza e Bellezza Social Promotion Association, with the collaboration of the Rector of the Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle, R.P. João Marcos Boranelli, C.R., and, organized a meeting on the theme “CREATING BEAUTY IN SOCIETY,” which took place on June 25 at 6 p.m. at the Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle, in the center of Rome.
The objective of the event was: to provide people, adults and young people, with elements of reflection and effective tools to gain greater awareness of themselves, their value, their beauty and that of others, to be protected, respected and valued.
All this was discussed inside the Sacristy of the Basilica, a precious historical, artistic, cultural and spiritual heritage, a space reserved for the Clergy whose doors, exceptionally, will be open to the public to talk about Beauty, immersed in Beauty.
A beautiful space for exchange and discussion among experts in Legality, Psychology, Security, Communication, Coaching, Information, Information Technology, Labor, Entrepreneurship, Spirituality, to build a strategic Alliance for the benefit of the Community.
At a time when we are bombarded by messages of violence, anger, division, it is useful and constructive to change our gaze and focus our attention on that Humanity that, daily, at a multidisciplinary and multicultural level, with commitment, competence, dedication, CREATES BEAUTY, contributing to improve the quality of life of People.
Today, more than ever, it is necessary to ask, “WHAT IS MY CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMON GOOD?” and to assume the CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY to CREATE VALUE not only for oneself and one’s Family, but also for Society, without delegating further.
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