Homily of S.E.R. Mons. Jorge Carlos Patrón Wong, at the Deacon Ordination Mass of João Víctor Dos Santos Silva, C.R.

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[Extract translated by the editor]
Reverend Fathers, dear family and friends, dearest João Víctor, I wish to express my joy and my gratitude for the invitation to celebrate this Diaconal Ordination in the Solemnity of Corpus Domini.
The date of your total and perennial consecration to the Lord, dearest, will leave a sign in your life: an indelible Eucharistic imprint!
The sacrament of order, which you receive today in the degree of the diaconate, will remain forever: you will always be a deacon, always a servant: servant of God and of the brothers, in the Church, according to the example of Jesus, who “has not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many “(Mk 10,45).
Jesus has given his life in the Paschal Mystery of his Death and Resurrection, and continues to donate it in the sacraments, particularly in the sacrament of his Body and Blood, the Eucharist that continues in charity.
Becoming a deacon means making your own life a gift, assuming the logic of service, as the Lord Jesus has […]
Christ’s human existence has been God’s gift to humanity.
Such a gift continues in the Eucharist and in the life of the Church.
The existence of the deacon, and after the priest, is “true” insofar as it is a gift and service, according to the model of the Eucharist […]
Therefore, those who are ordained deacons, even in view of the priesthood, permanently assume the character of the service, a “seal” that always characterizes the life of consecrated persons and of the ordained, also according to the theatine charism that you they profess: “in the purpose of serving the Lord in the serenity of an election that leaves aside the anxiety about property and possession”, that is, “Serve the Lord without the desire of homeland and home, or concern for property , food, clothes “, as the Holy Founder of you taught […]
Remember, dear João Víctor, that you have been incorporated into the ecclesial history of the Institute of Theatine Regular Clerics: a journey that begins with Saint Cajetan de Thiene and reaches you today, and will continue with you and after you [… ]
Dear Theatine Brothers, you will be able to respond to the Lord who has called you, realize the charism of your Institute and live your lives fully, thanks to the encounter with Jesus […]
Dear João Víctor, today you receive the gift of sacred order and … you donate your life: this circle of love is an effective sign of hope […]
Today you are “ready to live apostolicly in the observance of the Gospel”: the Lord will do his work.