General Postulation (III): Blessed John Marinoni, C.R.

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Biographical Notes
Blessed John Marinoni was born in Venice on December 24, 1490, of an illustrious family, from whom he received an excellent religious, moral and cultural education. He studied Civil and Ecclesiastical Law in Padua.
Ordained a priest, his gifts of piety and culture made him elected Canon of Saint Mark of Venice at a very young age. Attending to the sick in the Hospital for the incurable in Venice, he met Cajetan de Thiene, whose admirer, friend and fellow apostolate he became. He embraced the Apostolic Life established by the Regular Clerics, making his Religious Profession on May 29, 1530.
In 1533, with Cajetan, he founded the Casa Teatina in Naples. He remained there almost all his life, dedicated to prayer, to the care of souls, to the sacred preaching and to the formation of the religious of the Order. With his priestly ministry he illustrated with his holiness and his zeal the Church of Saint Paul the Greater in Naples. He was a wise and paternal confessor, an expert and prudent director of souls. In his 29 years of uninterrupted ministry, he gave the Neapolitans the treasures of his goodness and the doctrine of his heart as an apostle. Naples will forever be the field of his fruitful apostolate. There he was at the same time the creator of a constellation of Theatines. He was Father and Master of Saints and Bishops. Saint Andrew Avelino and Blessed Paul Burali, Cardinal Archbishop of Naples, stand out as disciples. He resigned from the government of the Archdiocese of Naples offered by Paul IV, who was a Theatine. To alleviate the needs of the people and save them from usury, he devised and promoted the Monte de Piedad, a work of great economic and social value, which was the beginning of the Bank of Naples.
He died a holy death, as he had lived, on December 13, 1562 at the age of 72. His remains are venerated together with those of Saint Cajetan, and rest in the Crypt of the Basilica of Saint Paul the Greater in Naples. Clement XIII, in 1762, recognized and approved the cult of Blessed. His memory is celebrated on December 12. Saint Cajetan called him “Angel in human flesh”. And Saint Andrew Avelino writes of him: “He had a countenance full of joy and serenity. God was with him.” His earthly life was entirely dedicated to the service of God and to the salvation and good of his brothers, spiritual sons and daughters, especially in Venice and Naples.
(To ask for the Canonization of Blessed John Marinoni)
Oh Father, you have made Blessed John Marinoni admirable
as an imitator of your Son by contemplating the mystery
of the cross, grant us, through his intercession, not only the grace
that we ask, but also that of walking,
stimulated by his example, following Christ, to collect the
fruits of redemption. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
(There is a silence asking God for the grace that one wishes to obtain.
through the intercession of our Blessed)
Then pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.
Thought of Blessed Marinoni:
“Be humble and patient in tribulations, remembering
always of what our Lord has suffered for you”.
P. Ambrosio Cots, C.R.
General Postulator.
23 October 2022