First Theatine Profession of the Novice Jeremías Germán Aguirre

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This June 17, 202o the memory of Blessed Pablo Burali d’Arezzo, whose mortal remains rest in San Paolo Maggiore in Naples, was celebrated in the city of Partheopea with a special brilliance.
In step with the footsteps of the Blessed Theatine Archbishop – which echoed in the immensity of the baroque temple of Via dei Tribunali -, the novice Jeremías Germán Aguirre, a native of Mercedes, Corrientes, Argentina, was preparing that day to cast his temporary vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, for the first time, as a religious of the Order of Theatine Regular Clerics.
Despite the health emergency, within the possibilities allowed, a large delegation of Theatines, led by the General Prep, Rvdmo. Father Salvador Rodea González, C.R. – in whose hands the novice professed – and made up of religious who, from Sant’Andrea della Valle and San Gaetano de Roma and San Gaetano de Morlupo, joined the local community, participated in the profession ceremony. Neapolitan faithful who regularly participate in the pastoral life of Saint Paolo Maggiore were added to the theatine religious.
As Father General already said, we present our thanks to Fr. Carmine Mazza, CR, Provincial Preposito of the Theatines in Italy and Master of Novices, for the effort deployed throughout this time – and which looks like continuity until Finish the 2019-2020 novitiate cycle and continue towards 2021 – in the formation and accompaniment of Jeremías and the other novices. Acknowledgment is extended to Fr. Aleksander Iwaszczonek, C.R., who has served as Vice-Master of Novices and assistant to teach the lessons of History and Theatine Spirituality, and to Fr. Leonardus Kisters, C.R., tireless collaborator in daily tasks.