Meeting in Vicenza: “Saint Cajetan, a Vicentine Saint.”

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Next Friday, May 17, at 5 p.m., on the occasion of the celebration of the fifth centenary of the founding of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatines, the Vicenza community is promoting a conference on our Founder, the Vicenza saint Cajetan of Thiene.
The event will take place in the Sala degli Stucchi of the Palazzo del Comune di Vicenza (Palazzo Trissino) and will be attended by the Provincial Superior of the Theatines of Italy and members of the Vicenza community. Along with other authorities and representatives of Vincentian civic life and culture, the Mayor of Vicenza, Most Excellent Mr. Giacomo Possamai, will be present.
The conference, focused on the figure of St. Cajetan of Thiene, will feature talks by Dr. Gaetano Thiene, Dr. Italo Francesco Baldo and Fr. Aleksander Iwaszczonek, CR Teatino.