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Diaconate ordinations in Sant’Andrea della Valle

By Community Manager

Oct 04 2020





On September 29, 2020, as had been duly announced, the Diaconal ordination of five solemn vowed Theatine religious took place in the Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle in Rome. The date could not be better, since it reminded us, in addition to the memory of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the day of the diaconal ordination of our Holy Founder, Cayetano de Thiene, going back to the distant September 29, 1516.

In this way, the religious Juan Miguel Tabares Zamora, David Arroyo Alonso and Héctor Del Río Piña, CC.RR., from the Theatine Province “Our Lady of Purity”, from the United States of America; Miguel Salinas Hernández, CR, originally from the Theatine Province “Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y San Cayetano”, of Mexico, and Diego Alejandro Doldán, whose Theatine Province of origin is “Nuestra Señora de Luján y San Cayetano”, from Argentina, with the mind, the heart, the spirit and all their strength, to receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the first degree of the diaconate, which would configure them to Christ, obedient servant of the Father, through the Spirit of truth and love.

We can well say that we have taken part in an exciting and serene celebration, in which the liturgical service was in charge of the Theatine International College “San José María Tomasi”, accompanied by those who are part of the community of San Pablo el Mayor of Naples. and the infallible altar boys of the San Cayetano de Morlupo parish.

The ceremony was chaired by H.E.R. Bishop Francisco José Vilas-Boas Senra de Faria Coelho, Archbishop of Évora, in Portugal.

All the members of the General House participated in the Holy Mass of ordination, led by the Superior General, the Rt. P. Salvador Rodea González, C.R .; Father Carmine Mazza, C.R .; the other Theatines belonging to the Houses of San Cayetano de Roma and San Cayetano de Morlupo, and various diocesan priests, as well as some Jesuits and other Religious Institutes.

The order of deacons was represented by a Carmelite deacon, Deacon Cornelius – from the National Church of the Friesians – and our Deacon J. Víctor Dos Santos Silva, C.R.

There was no shortage of members of different religious communities, particularly the Teatinas, an ad hoc choir, many people close to those who were ordained, and some public figures, such as the Argentine ambassador to the Holy See, Dr. María Fernanda Silva.

Our religious received the diaconal ordination with deep devotion. Archbishop Vilas-Boas, with a paternal and close tone, was reeling in his homily his sympathy for the Theatines and the deep sense of the mission of the deacon in the Church today, in a similar way to the mission that the prophet Jeremías carried out in his time .

After Holy Mass, a fraternal refreshment was shared, a propitious occasion to renew our community joy.