Death of Father Amador Ferreira Martins, C.R.

Cargando.. por favor espere...
Rev. Marcelo Zubia, CR
I tell you, through Fr. Túlio Cesar Caetano, CR; our provincial, the official statement of the definitive Easter of our brother: Fr. Amador Ferreira Martins, CR.
I take this opportunity to tell you that tomorrow, at 8:00 am (Brazilian time), the Exequial Mass will be celebrated with the presidency of Dom Gorgonio Alves da Encarnação Neto, CR! Today there will be two celebrations broadcast at 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm in Brasília time. The transmission will take place on the Facebook page: ORDER OF REGULAR CLERICS – THEATINES IN BRAZIL.
United in prayer! I thank all the confreres on behalf of our Province Paul VI of Brazil!
Lucas Antônio Gobbo Custódio, CR
Local Father of the Religious House of Guarulhos-SP
(07.05.1930 – 08.24.2020)
Padre Amador Ferreira Martins, CR; was born on July 5, 1930, in the neighborhood of Baianos, which at that time belonged to the city of Piraju and today belongs to the city of Taquarituba-SP. The property where he was born, as he told us, was at the foot of the Serra de Fartura, a place acquired years before by his grandfather who donated the land to his father. His parents were cousins ??and had six children, among them Padre Amador.
During the early adolescence years, he found himself working in the coffee plantation, together with his brothers, where he remained until he was thirty. Together with his brother (José Ferreira Martins) he moved to the Teatino seminary in the city of Fartura. He received from his mother the sum of one hundred thousand cruzeiros as he counted, money that was deposited in the common account of the seminary of Abundance.
At the seminary of Fartura, he finished his primary studies, made the novitiate, all about the care of Italian Teatines, of which he remembered and cited a striking characteristic of each: Fr. Francisco – closed. Fr. Giovanni – very good. Fr. Salvador – good priest.
Fr Amador remembered fondly his companion on the way, Gorgônio Alves, today bishop of the Diocese of Itapetininga.
After the novitiate and the first years of study, Fr. Amador went to live in Guarulhos to study Philosophy at the Faculty of Benedictines and Theology in Pauline.
He was ordained a priest on December 22, 1974 alongside his companion Gorgônio, at the headquarters of the city of Fartura and, as soon as he was ordained a priest, he was appointed as novice master in the city of Fartura, a position he held for three years. Then Father Amador was sent as parish vicar of the parish of Sta. Rita in Taguaí, assisting the parish priest Fr. João Ferreti, CR. He also worked as a parish priest for over three years in the parish of São Geraldo in the city of Guarulhos and also as a parish priest in the city of Taquarituba.
After so many years of service to the Lord, he went to live in the city of Sorocaba, in the parish São Lucas, due to his age and proximity to the hospitals of Sorocaba.
Since 2006, when he moved to Sorocaba, he celebrated Holy Mass every day at seven in the morning. Very attentive to the attendance of confessions, he maintained for many years the habit of writing down in a small notebook the number of masses said, the baptisms performed, the confessions attended.
In the last few years, Fr. Amador lived at the São Pio X seminary in Fartura, with its reduced activities and the accompaniment of attentive caregivers. On August 24, 2020, at 9:40 am, at the Feast of St. Bartholomew, at the age of 90 he had his Eternal Easter!
We praise and bless you for your life and work! We are glad that we lived and lived with the first priest Teatino Brasil! May God bless us today and always and give him rest in the definitive Kingdom!