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  • Entrance to the Novitiate, in Naples

    By Community Manager

    Today, September 14, in memory of the founding of our Order, in the crypt of Saint Cajetan, during the ninth hour prayer, François-Schadrack Iyondo Ikoli, José Adrián Marinero Peralta and Pedro Calleja Sánchez, members of our Theatine Order , began in the city of Naples (Italy), the novitiate under the…

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  • Renewal of Vows, in Morlupo

    By Community Manager

    Last September 13, in memory of Saint John Chrysostom, in the city of Morlupo (Rome), Brother Guillermo Almazán Gómez Tagle, C.R., Brother Henrique Nunes Olivieira, C.R. and Brother Roberto Alvarado López, C.R., have renewed their vows, in a celebration presided over by the Superior General, Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodea González,…

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  • Theatines in the Universities

    By Community Manager

    Dear friends of the Theatine Family: As the school year begins in some of our Provinces, from the General Curia we want to send a greeting full of courage, encouragement and hope to undertake and carry out all the apostolic tasks that as Theatines we have been carrying out in…

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  • The health of our patients

    By Community Manager

    Dear brothers and friends of the Theatine family, From this bulletin, we would like to ask God the Father for a trusting prayer for the health of our brother Fr. Aristeu, CR, from Brazil. The Provincial Secretary of the Teatinos of Brazil, Lucas Gobbo, CR, informed us that he had…

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  • The health of our sick

    By Community Manager

    Dear brothers and friends of the Theatine Family, We share with everyone the information that has sent us the Rv. Fr. Ricardo Ledesma, CR, Provincial Superior of the Theatines of Mexico. United in prayer. Dear Fathers: It is with great sadness that I inform you that Fr. Angel Jaime Jiménez, CR…

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  • Prayer for our deceased

    By Community Manager

    Our brother, Fr. Lucas Gobbo, CR, Provincial Secretary of the Theatine Province of Brazil, informs us that this morning, June 16, the biological father of our Theatine confrere, Father Guilherme Alves dos Santos, Mr. Raimundo Nonato, passed away. We unite ourselves in prayer to the Teatine Province of Brazil and…

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  • New Provincial Chapter of the Theatines of Italy

    By Community Manager

    The Provincial Chapter of our Theatine Brothers of the Province of the “Bambino Gesù” of Italy has ended. After the elective sessions of the Provincial and the Consultors, the Theatines of Italy have decided to entrust the task of leading the Province to a Provincial Curia that will have to…

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  • Our Theatine Sisters: The Quickening of a Charism

    By Community Manager

    With the breath of the Spirit still caressing our hearts, we joyfully receive the news of the renewal that our sisters, the Theatine Religious of the Immaculate Conception, have carried out in their last General Council. We share with all the friends and benefactors of this Theatine family the joy…

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