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  • The official trailer for “L’amore per vivere” is here

    By Community Manager

    The extraordinary story of Saint Cajetan and the foundation of the Clerics Regular Theatines comes to life in this unique musical, filled with passion, faith, and unforgettable music. Immerse yourself in the magic of L’amore per vivere and experience a show that celebrates love as the essence of life. Watch…

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    By Community Manager

    Within the Theatine Jubilee Year, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Order’s Foundation, we have had the joy of starting the first Session of the Inquiry into the fame of sanctity, virtues, fame of signs, and ecclesial significance of the Cause. For the Postulation, it is both a milestone and…

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  • Publication in “O SÃO PAULO”

    By Community Manager

    The Archdiocese of São Paulo’s weekly publication has highlighted the celebrations for the V Centenary of the foundation of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatines. This celebration is a significant moment to reflect on the rich history and mission of the Order, which has profoundly impacted religious and social life…

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  • Interview by Vatican News with Dom Gorgônio

    By Community Manager

    On September 14th, in St. Peter’s Basilica, a historic celebration took place in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatines, presided over by Pope Francis. Among the attendees was Dom Gorgônio Alves da Encarnação Neto, bishop of Itapetininga and the only bishop of the Teatine…

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  • 500 Years of the Theatine Clerics: A Legacy in Art

    By Community Manager

    In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the founding of the Order of the Clerics Regular Teatini, Guatemalan artist Evelyn del Rosario Moran Cojoc has created a commemorative work titled “500 Years of the Clerics Regular Teatini”. This piece reflects the rich history and spirituality of the order. Here, you…

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