Brother Diego Doldán, C.R., and the month of Ignatian exercises

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Coming to the end of my process as a ‘scholastic’ (as it is said in Italy) and in view of my ongoing formation, during the month of July I will find myself doing the month of Spiritual Exercises in the house of the Society of Jesus in the city of Bologna A year ago my spiritual companion invited me to carry them out in view of this period of my life that is coming to an end and in preparation for what is to come.
Also encouraged by my teacher and parents, both from the community and from my province of origin, I prepare myself to have this experience of deep encounter with the Lord.
My greatest wish is to make a synthesis of my vocational path before Solemn Profession. On the other hand, I hope that the experience of the Ignatian exercises, spirituality contemporary to ours, can give me tools to, in the future, update and spread the theatine spirituality, whose synthesis is expressed in the Spiritual Combat.
I entrust myself to the intercession of our brother Andrew Avelino, who, as Diego Laínez attests, made the definitive resolution to enter our Institute at the end of the Spiritual Exercises that the Jesuit preached to him in 1548. With a mutual memory in prayer, I dismissal until august.
Greetings in Christ and Cajetan.
Brother Diego A. Doldán, C.R.