Birthday celebration of our Father General

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On September 1, 2020, the General House of Sant’Andrea della Valle decorated itself to give a day of fraternal coexistence and joy to our Superior General, Rt. Father Salvador Rodea González, C.R., who was celebrating his birthday.
In this way, the Juniors of CIT-Rome, assisted by some other members of the community, arranged the environments, the moments of prayer and coexistence, and the food that would be consumed during the day, so that nothing was left to the random. Lunch was attended by the Theatines of San Gaetano from Rome, San Gaetano from Morlupo and San Paolo Maggiore from Naples.
The treat was very enjoyable and well served, so that the Italian language met and style with the Mexican aromas and the fraternal sympathy that gave the own human color to a celebration of this magnitude.
The Holy Mass at 7:00 p.m., in the Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle, was presided over by Father General, who chose to follow the form “for peace and justice”, highlighting in this intention the axis of the message evangelical of this day: “love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” (Lk 6:27). Strong sentence of Jesus Christ, who bristles the skin and challenges the gallantry of those who feel safe only with those of his party.
As every Thursday in our Roman temple, after the Eucharist, the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament continued, also presided over by Father Salvador Rodea himself.
We thank God for the life of our Father General and we wish him to continue to guide us with serenity and firmness.