August 7, 2020: One priestly ordination in the US and five solemn professions in Rome, Italy

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This last August 7, 2020 will be remembered by all of us because of different events that have been presented in our theatine world, in the same way that the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a different context to commemorate our Holy Founder. In this brief issue of Teatinos en Camino we will give some information, calls to be expanded with the contributions of those interested. In principle, we point out two events of great importance:
a.- In the city of Pueblo, CO, USA, yesterday, precisely August 7, 2020, R. Deacon Miguel Enrique Alvarado Santos, CR, received the sacrament of Holy Orders in the second degree of the Presbyterate.
The Eucharistic celebration in which the priestly ordination of now Fr. Enrique took place, was presided over by H.E.R. Bishop Stephen J. Berg, diocesan bishop of Pueblo. The place could not be better than the theatine church of the Holy Family (Holy Family) of that American town.
b.- In our Roman Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle, also yesterday, August 7, 2020, five Theatine religious made their perpetual profession in our Order of Theatine Regular Clerics, with the emission of solemn vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Brothers Juan Miguel Tabares Zamora, David Arroyo Alonso and Héctor Del Río Piña, CC.RR., all from the Theatine Province “Our Lady of Purity” (USA), Brother Miguel Salinas Hernández, CR, from the Theatine Province “Ntra. Sra. de Guadalupe y San Cayetano” (Mexico), and Br. Diego Alejandro Doldán, CR, a native of the Theatine Province “Ntra. Sra. de Luján y San Cayetano (Argentina), have solemnly professed in the hands of our Superior General, the Most Reverend Father Salvador Rodea González, CR
Within the beautiful framework of our baroque temple in Rome, they were present together with our Father General and the priests who are part of the General House of Sant’Andrea della Valle, other Theatine priests of the Italian Province “Bambino Gesù”, teachers of the Pontifical Gregorian University, diocesan priests who are friends of the solemnly newly professed, Theatine nuns and of the Providence of Saint Cajetan of Thiene and a large group of faithful – according to what the capacity of the church in times of coronavirus has allowed – among the that the delegation of Saint Cajetan of Morlupo stood out.