Joy and thanksgiving for the new Theatine priests

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On June 17, the Feast of Blessed Paolo Burali d’Arezzo, CR, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist took place in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, during which three of our Theatine brothers of the Province of Our Lady of Purity of the United States of America were ordained priests in the degree of Presbyterate.The celebration, which was transmitted through the social networks of the Province, was splendid and the liturgy was beautifully cared for: the Expiatory Temple of Guadalajara witnessed, together with the Theatine Fathers of the Province, as well as other Fathers who came to the city to accompany the friars, and many faithful friends of the community, a joyful celebration, rich in spiritual details and beautifully accompanied by a masterful choir.
The brothers, now fathers, Edson Martín Ybarra Jasso, CR, Juan Manuel Marinoni Ruiz, CR and Pedro Pablo Alvarado López, CR, received the Priestly Ordination in the degree of presbyterate by the prayer of the Church and the imposition of the hands of the Auxiliary Bishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, H. E. R. Monsignor Juan Manuel MUÑOZ CURIEL, OFM, who highlighted in the homily the value of religious life and the witness of holiness and faith of our Blessed Paolo Burali d’Arezzo, whose feast we were celebrating.
Throughout the following days, our neo-priestly brothers will be celebrating their Mass in significant places chosen by each one of them and accompanied, once again, by brothers of religion, blood and faith.
From this editorial office we unite ourselves in grateful prayer to the Lord for the gift he gives us in this Holy Year of our V Centenary. May God always accompany them with his Divine Providence and may the intercession of St. Cajetan and all our saints guide them on the path of holiness.