Admission to the International Theatine Novitiate based at St. Paul the Major in Naples.

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On September 29, 2021, during the auspicious celebration of the feast of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the three postulants of the Theatine Province of the United States of America, Juan Gómez Jiménez, Pablo González Robles and Juan Jesús Campos Garduño, were admitted to the canonical year of novitiate, which they will carry out in the House of St. Paul the Major in Naples, under the careful and conscientious guidance of Fr, Aleksander Iwaszczonek, C.R., who will be accompanied in this task.
It should be noted that, due to a certain bodily discomfort, the admission of Jesús Campos was made in the House of Sant’Andrea della Valle, where the three novices have been staying since their arrival in Rome on September 13, 2021.
On the other hand, with Juan Gomez and Pablo Gonzalez, the rite of admission was celebrated taking advantage of the occasion offered by the closing Mass of the Provincial Chapter of the Theatines in Italy. So, in the chapel of the convent of Santa Maria Seconda, Juan and Pablo were entrusted to the care of their Novice Master, Father Carmine Mazza.
These new novices will join Rosario Calvaruso (date of birth: June 15, 1999), a novice of the Italian Province of the Bambino Gesù, who was admitted earlier and is taking the first steps of this formative stage also at St. Paul the Major.
Reviewing some biographical data of these three confreres of the Province “Our Lady of Purity” who are beginning the Theatine life, we can share the following:
* Juan Gomez Jimenez was born in Guanajuato, Mexico, on January 22, 1980 and two years ago he entered the Theatine Formation House in Guadalajara, Mexico, accompanied by Fr. Francisco Vaca Gonzalez, C.R.
* Pablo González Robles was born in Jalisco, Mexico, on April 4, 1988 and has also been doing his initial formation process for a couple of years, having the Theatine Community of Guadalajara, Mexico, as his community nucleus.
* Juan Jesús Campos Garduño, comes from the State of Mexico, Mexico, and was born on August 26, 1996. Jesús has also joined the Theatine formation in Guadalajara, accompanied by Fr. Francisco Vaca.