Memories of solemn profession Sant’Andrea della Valle, August 7, 2020

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On August 7, in the house of Sant’Andrea della Valle, the solemnity of our holy founder, Saint Cajetan, was celebrated in a climate of prayer and enthusiasm in the community, and, in this framework, we solemnly profess God five junior siblings: Juan Miguel, Héctor, Miguel, Diego and David. The day began with the recitation of solemn Lauds presided over by our Father General, Salvador Rodea, C.R., and with this prayer of praise we prepared to live intensely the day commending ourselves to God.
The day unfolded in a festive atmosphere, and having a gala dinner, we had in the community the joy of celebrating our Founding Father. Each brother was working to have a dignified solemnity and with many preparations we were getting ready to celebrate Mass at 7:00 pm. At this mass, in memory of our Father Saint Cajetan, was where the perpetual profession of the brothers took place.
The Mass was presided over by Father General, and was concelebrated by the Fathers of the General Curia, Fr. Marcelo, Fr. Ambrosio, Fr. Antonio, other Theatine Fathers, and Fathers who are friends of us. We have the presence of two deacons, the deacon Joao Víctor C.R., and a deacon close to the Basilica, Cornelio. Before the celebration, Father General blessed the crosses that would later be received by us in the rite of profession. The mass was animated by the Morlupo Parish Choir, a very pleasant animation that made the celebration feel more profound. It should be noted that the mass was broadcast over the Internet, so that it could be followed in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the United States, Spain, Italy and other parts of the world.
After mass, in the “cortile” of the house, we had a simple reception for the people who accompanied us in the liturgical ceremony. A space that was filled with great joy, because many experiences were shared, great talks with friends and people close to the Order. Almost at the end of the event, various songs were sung, through which the joy and affection of the people gathered were revealed. Songs in Spanish, English, Italian, were heard and thus the meeting was animated by Fr. Antonio and the Morlupo Choir.
I take this opportunity to thank God and all of you, Church that was in prayer, for the grace that he has granted us to profess and consecrate ourselves to that God who is so good to us and whose goodness he has shown us through the years. Thanks to all those who were present at the mass, and all those who followed us from afar, via the Internet. We remain committed to your prayers. Never stop asking for vocations. Thank you for also being part of this unforgettable day for us. I thank the Fathers and Brothers of the House of Sant’Andrea della Valle, the International Teatino School, for their support and always firm presence with us. For me it is a day that I will carry in my heart. Now I am forever consecrated. Now I am for God and for his Church, through the Theatine Order. A project from 1524 that is still present and that in life I want to make present: community life that serves as a reform for the Church. And this is what it means to be theatine for me, this is the project to which I have said yes, that now I belong to this family in a full way, so that I can contribute what God has given me to add to the Church. Being a community for me is adding, always adding to build the Kingdom. And this is what Father General said in the celebration: “seek that synergy that helps to build.” I entrust myself to your prayers, and may God continue to bless us with abundant Theatine vocations for the Order.
David Arroyo Alonso, C.R.