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Theatines on the Way – Bulletin of the Theatine General Curia: Blessed Paul Burali D’Arezzo

By Community Manager

Jan 31 2023





He was born into the noble Burali d’Arezzo family in Itri (diocese of Gaeta) in 1511. After graduating from the University of Bologna, he practiced law in Naples with exemplary rectitude. He was Royal Councilor of the State. Called by God to greater perfection, in 1557 he entered the Theatines in Naples. His novitiate master was Blessed Giovanni Marinoni and his companion St. Andrea Avellino. He professed on February 2, 1558, the year he was ordained a priest. In 1564 he was sent to Madrid as ambassador of the city of Naples. Having refused the Bishoprics of Castellamare, Crotone and Brindisi, St. Pius V in 1568 forced him to accept the Bishopric of Piacenza and in 1570 created him Cardinal. Very zealous pastor, friend of St. Charles Borromeo, he took care of every aspect of the religious and social life of the clergy and the people, promoting the formation of the clergy, catechesis, the frequency of the sacraments and help for the poor. In 1576 Gregory XIII, already his Master in Bologna, transferred him to the Archdiocese of Naples, where he continued the ecclesiastical reform already experimented in Piacenza. He died in Torre del Greco, where he was for a short stay, on June 17, 1578. He was beatified by Clement XIV on May 17, 1772. His body rests in the Basilica of San Paolo Maggiore in Naples. His feast day falls on June 17.


Oh God who manifested in Blessed Paul Burali the multiform and wonderful ways of your call to Christian perfection, grant us the comfort of his heavenly protection to follow you with all my heart. For Christ our Lord. Amen

(let’s make a silence asking for the grace that everyone needs)

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory

Thought of Blessed Paul Burali:
“A Christian cannot make a better use of his life than to give it to God, who alone can not only save her but make her happy”.
