My lord,
I come to you because you are my life
and the glory I wish to attain.
You, Lord, keep my heart,
rule and govern my mind,
direct my intellect,
Raise my love
up to heaven for you,
because, for your sake,
I bear with patience
every earthly opposition.
He was most devoted, and most vigilant, and most abstinent. And first, as for devotion: he was often seen weeping, not only secretly, but often still when he celebrated, and especially solemn feasts. Sometimes out of joy, sometimes out of pain and compassion like the days that commemorated the passion of the Lord of which he was very devoted. And therefore every Friday, after prayer, we all assembled in the choir, and he said some words of the Lord’s love with such fervor, that he excited us to devotion, with our great consolation (although to those who did not have little spirit liked). He stood with a cheerful but serious face, showing that God was with him. Going from the cell to the choir, and from the choir to the cell, and walking through Naples, he always prayed, saying psalms and other prayers.
He had an amiable nature, and was loved, revered, honored and esteemed by all the secular people, good and bad, which I saw because he often accompanied her around Naples, and saw the honor that was done to him by all, that they held for saints. He was wonderful at recommending anime at the point of death; and he was often called upon to perform this office. And many people who were present at the recommendations changed their lives, and came to confess to him. In preaching he did not say things of much doctrine. But the things he said were said with such fervor and a powerful voice (he had a large and beautiful sweet and suave voice) that he moved his listeners to devotion.
His whole life, word and deed, was a vivid portrait of true holiness. From everything she took occasion to excite souls to leave their sins and love God. What I have said is enough to demonstrate the sanctity of her most pure life inclined to mercy, piety and works of charity, particularly towards the sick inside and out. out of the house.
From the letter of Sant’Andrea Avellino,
priest (Vezzosi, Writers II, 74 ff).
His figure:
Blessed John Marinoni was born in Venice in 1490. Formerly a priest and canon of the Basilica of San Marco, he embraced the apostolic life among the Clerics Regular (Theatines), making his solemn profession into the hands of Saint Cajetan Thiene on 29 May 1530. In 1533, together with Saint Cajetan, he founded the first House of the Order in that city in Naples. In it he remained almost throughout his life, dedicated to prayer, sacred preaching, confessions, the formation of the religious of his Order (he was the Master of Sant’Andrea Avellino and of Blessed Paul Burali).
He renounced the government of the Archdiocese offered to him by Paul IV. To help the poor he encouraged his penitents to found the Monte di Pietà. He died as saintly as he had lived on December 13, 1562, and is buried in the same tomb with Saint Cajetan in San Paolo Maggiore in Naples. Pope Clement XIII, in 1762, approved the cult of the Blessed who was already paid to him from immemorial times. His memory is celebrated on December 12.
Oh God, you made Blessed John Marinoni admirable
as an imitator of your Son through the contemplation of
mystery of the cross, grant us through his intercession, not only the
special grace that we ask, but also that of
walk spurred on by his example in the footsteps of Christ to
reap the fruits of redemption. By our own Christ
Our Lord. Amen.
(se hace un silencio pidiendo la gracia que se desea obtener)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.