UISG-USG / Fraterna Domus in-person workshop, November 6-10, 2023.

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UISG-USG / Fraterna Domus in-person workshop, November 6-10, 2023. Our Vicar General, Rev. Fr. Marcelo Raúl Zubía, C.R. participated.
“Create a culture of protection”
On November 6, 2023, 133 members of 90 religious congregations gathered at Fraterna Domus, north of Rome, to participate in a week-long workshop on protection. Seventy-eight women religious from 51 congregations and 55 men religious from 39 congregations attended. This important meeting of religious responsible for protection was organized by the Commission on Care and Protection of the Unions of Superiors General (UISG / USG) of Rome.
Participants in the workshop on protection heard informative, insightful and stimulating presentations. There was an atmosphere of great trust, openness and sharing that helped to create an environment in which participants could reflect, ask questions and share in an enriching way at the tables.
A crucial point of the workshop was hearing the testimony of two survivors of abuse. The pain and life-changing effects of abuse were evident in what they shared with us. As policies and protocols for prevention and protection are formulated, what the participants heard should have an impact on how we create and live a culture of protection as an evangelical culture.
The workshop was experienced as a synodal journey, with participants and speakers taking time to reflect together on each day’s contributions. UISG and USG members commit themselves to provide a culture of protection and to model this evangelical culture in their respective congregations.
Link: https://www.usgroma.org/l/crear-una-cultura-de-proteccion2/