Treaty of the Blessed Sacrament of the altar

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This treatise seeks to answer why the Lord has instituted this great Sacrament. This is why Andrew Avelino explains how God, having created man with body and soul, has provided them with food. And it explains what are the foods of the body and those of the soul.
Christ instituted the Sacrament of his Body not only to be food for those who want to remain in the life of grace, but also to further demonstrate to us his divine love and humility, which are, says Avelino, the necessary virtues to receive it. To receive the Body of the Lord worthily, one must remember the passion and death of Christ. It teaches that God, pitying our souls, inclined to evil, and with corrupted flesh, has provided us with another holy, immaculate flesh, which is the flesh of Christ, from whose contact the soul and body of those who receive it are sanctified. worthily. And with union with the flesh of Christ, the soul receives the true life of grace and glory. Union with the flesh of Christ is the cause of uniting ourselves with God and with our neighbor. This is how God has foreseen it to reunite souls with Himself, and among them.