Theatine Youth Encounter in the Province “Ntra. Mrs. de Luján y San Cayetano ”, from Argentina

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This Saturday, September 19, 2020, using the “Zoom” platform, different young people from the theatine communities of La Plata, Villa Adelina, Boulogne and Empedrado, in the Argentine Republic, – these are the four locations in which we Teatinos have established our religious houses and we are working pastorally in that South American country – they have held a Theatine Youth Encounter.
This Encounter gives continuity to a way of carrying out Youth Ministry in the Río de la Plata, having annually the opportunity to gather different contingents of young people who participate in our apostolic actions.
This year, the rhythm of life imposed by the coronavirus pandemic has been ingeniously followed and, therefore, the Meeting has been carried out through a cybernetic communication circuit.
The resonance that the life of faith has had in this group has led them to coin the following motto for the assembly: “The joy of rowing together.”