Theatine Province of USA: Election of Delegates

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Theatine Province “Our Lady of Purity”,
of the United States of America
– Election of Delegates to the 164th General Chapter of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines –
We have received a communication from the General Secretariat of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines regarding the development of the appropriate Provincial Chapter of Regular Clerics Theatines in the USA, held in Pueblo, on June 28, 2021, preparing for the 164th General Chapter of our Religious Institute.
In order to the aforementioned communication, it should be noted that our brothers from the American Province proceeded to the election of two Delegates for the upcoming 2022 General Chapter, resulting in the election of Frs. César Martín Cayetano Arras Zapién and Pablo Benito A. Hernández, CC.RR.
As Substitutes for said Delegated Parents, Frs. Miguel Enrique Alvarado Santos and Pablo Sergio Burali Robles Cárdenas, CC.RR.