Theatine Province of Spain – Communication from the Provincial Secretary

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Dear Father Marcelo Zubia, C.R.
Vicar and Secretary General.
I hope that, with the Lord’s help, he is well, as are all the parents and siblings of the Community of Sant’Andrea della Valle.
As you may have realized, unfortunately for a few days a serious situation has been occurring in Colombia. We have contacted the parents of the community present in Cali and, thank God, they are doing well, although with a lot of uncertainty about what this whole scenario could generate. They try to accompany and express their closeness with the neighbors and faithful of the parishes. They ask us to intensify our prayer to the Lord so that this Colombian reality may find its end and, little by little, return to “normality”.
On the other hand, tell him that the state of health of Fr. Jaime Pascual, C.R. is stable. He is well, serene and very well cared for by the Little Sisters of the Helpless Elders of Béjar. We remain united in prayer for his health and that of all our sick brothers.
We also continue united in prayer for the preparation and celebration of our next General Chapter.
In the lord,
Father Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R:
Provincial Secretary