Theatine Province of Mexico: Election of delegates.

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Theatine Province of Mexico
Communication from the Secretary of the Provincial Chapter
– Election of Delegates to the CLXIV General Chapter –
At 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 17, 2021, under the presidency of the Very Reverend Father Salvador Rodea González, CR, in his capacity as Superior General of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines, the 17 fathers who participated in the XIX Ordinary Provincial Chapter of the theatine province in Mexico for the elective session of the provincial delegates to the General Chapter, all having previously prayed, they were elected, according to our Constitutions, 162 § 4, 217 and 226-227 […] the following brothers:
R. P. José Saavedra Flores, C. R., first delegate;
R. P. Carlos Gómez Ruiz, C. R., second delegate;
R. P. Rogelio Lázaro Rodríguez, C. R., substitute for the first delegate;
R. P. Octavio Manuel García Sánchez, C. R., substitute for the second delegate.
In San Cayetano de Atizapán de Zaragoza, June 17, 2021, memory of Blessed Pablo Burali d’Arezzo.
M.R.P. Salvador Rodea González, C.R.
General Superior
R. P. Carlos Gómez Ruiz, C. R.,
A secretis.