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The Theatines of Spain-Colombia launch Provincial Council

By Community Manager

Apr 21 2022





Dear brothers,

Immersed in the Easter joy of this joyful octave that the Lord gives us, the Theatine Fathers of Spain-Colombia have finished their Provincial Chapter in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Castañar, in Béjar. Let us give thanks to the Lord for all the gifts that he grants us and let us insistently pray that he continue to send vocations to this family that has always been His from the beginning.

Highly esteemed Fr. Antonio Cabrera, CR
General Secretary.

With joy I inform you that, having been summoned by the M. R. P. Salvador Rodea CR, Superior General, to proceed to the canonical election of the Provincial Council of our Province of the Immaculate and San Alfonso, on the morning of April 21, 2022 in our House Sanctuary of Our Lady of Castañar de Béjar, the chapter fathers proceed to the vote and election, the Provincial Council being constituted for the triennium 2022-2025 as follows:

Fr. Pedro Sánchez Blanco, CR
First Consultor and Provincial Vicar

Fr. Ismael Correa Marin, CR
Second Consultant

Fr. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, CR
Third Consultant

Fr. John Alberto Vargas Ojeda, CR
Fourth Consultant

United in prayer so that the grace of the Lord continues to guide, illuminate and accompany the work of this new Provincial government.

A fraternal hug.