Theatines in the Universities

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Dear friends of the Theatine Family:
As the school year begins in some of our Provinces, from the General Curia we want to send a greeting full of courage, encouragement and hope to undertake and carry out all the apostolic tasks that as Theatines we have been carrying out in the Church and out of love of God.
As a novelty, it is a joy for the entire Theatine Order to have among our parents the first Theatine Professor who will teach at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Rev.Fr. Marcelo Raúl Zubía, CR., Vicar General of the Order.
Similarly, we congratulate Fr. David Arroyo Alonso, CR, who will be part of the cast of Professors and Formators at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus-Ohio, where the “Our Lady of Purity” Province of the United States has undertaken a new mission.
May the Lord enlighten the paths of each one of us who profess the Theatine religious life and help us to walk with firmness of faith and integrity of customs towards the goal of holiness.
More information about the course of Rev.Fr. Marcelo R. Zubía, CR here.
More information about the appointment of Fr. David Arroyo Alonso, CR. here.