Theatines of Mexico – XX Provincial Chapter

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Dear friends of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatines, the Province of Mexico has just concluded its XX Provincial Chapter, and as we have learned through social networks, in the elections for the Government of the Province for the triennium 2024-2027 have been elected:
P. Eduardo Bello, CR, Provincial Superior
P. Franco Plascencia, CR, Vicar Provincial.
P. Ricardo Rodríguez, CR, Second Consultor
P. Carlos Gómez Ruiz, CR, Third Consultor
P. Joan Reyes Austria, CR, Fourth Consultor
We join in thanksgiving to God for assisting our confreres in their work and pray that the Lord will continue to bless our humble family with new vocations who desire to serve God in the Church in the manner of our Founders, through the intercession of St. Cajetan and our Mother, St. Mary of Purity.