Superior General R.P. Salvador Rodea González, C.R. – Sexennium 2022-2028 –

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In the voting session held today, January 13, 2022, in Rome, during the 164th Teatine General Chapter, it has resolved that for the next six-year period 2022-2028, for the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular, he will continue in his role as Superior General of the Order, the RP Salvador Rodea González, C.R.
Let us thank the Lord for this choice, may our Father General be very blessed, and through him, the entire Theatine Order that walks Firstly Seeking the Kingdom of God and its Justice.
A bit of his biography:
Father Salvador Rodea was born in Mexico City (DF), Mexico, on September 10, 1971.
He began his theatine aspirantate on 08/23/1992, after having studied engineering and having participated in different parish missionary experiences.
At the end of the canonical novitiate year, which had begun on 08/06/1995, he made his First Theatine Religious Profession on 08/07/1996.
He received the Sacrament of Holy Orders in the First Degree of the Diaconate on 02/20/2000, while, in attention to the same Sacrament, he was conferred the Second Degree of Presbyterate on 08/27/2000. He carried out his philosophical-theological studies at the Theological Institute of the Jesuits in Mexico City and at the Pontifical University of Mexico.
Throughout the years of his priestly ministry he developed various tasks in the Teatine Province of Mexico, to which he originally belongs, being Provincial Superior between the years 2011-2015. Elected Superior General of the Order for the six-year period 2015-2021, Divine Providence agreed that he will continue with this commendable work at the head of the San Cayetano family, which fills us with hope and commitment to continue, under his guidance, seeking the Kingdom of God and his justice.