“With no other rule than love!”

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On the morning of February 11, in Pato Branco-PR, Rev. Father Rafael Tadeu, CR; Provincial Preposto of Brazil accompanied by Fr. Lucas Gobbo, CR, Secretary and Provincial Councilor, and Fr. Guilherme Alves, CR, Local Preposto, Rector and Parish Priest of Guarulhos were present at the Celebration of the 25 years of Religious Life of Sor Simone Polidoro, Religious of the Congregation of the Theatine Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. Rev. Father Rafael Tadeu, CR, presided over the Eucharistic Celebration.
Also present were Mother María Ángeles Vicente, Superior General of the Theatines; Sister Guadalupe Martínez, General Counselor and Economist; Sister Tarcisia Masucci, Secretary and Provincial Councilor of the Theatines of Italy and Sister Lourdes Polidoro, Provincial Councilor of Italy and the other Theatines Sisters of Brazil.
Moment of deep joy and fraternity between Theatine men and women, as our Constitutions say in articles 94-97.
“With no other rule than love!” – Ven. Úrsula Benincasa, founder of the Congregation of the Theatine Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.