Priests according to the heart of Christ. Priestly ordinations in Mexico

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“The priesthood is
a great gift from God
in earthen vessels”
Benedict XVI, at the closing of the Year for Priests
On June 22, in the Shrine of San Cayetano de Lindavista, Mexico, there will be a Eucharistic celebration in which our Theatine brothers will be ordained priests in the degree of presbyterate:
Emmanuel Vargas Sosa, CR
Humberto González Chavarría, CR
Pablo Guillermo Almazán Gómez Tagle, CR.
The newly ordained priests will celebrate their first Mass on the following days at their designated places.
Let us join in the joy and rejoicing of our entire Order, which in this Fifth Centenary does not cease to celebrate the gift of the Lord, and let us continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to this humble part of the Church that is the Theatine Order.
The celebration can be followed live on the Facebook platform of the Province of Mexico. We provide the link by clicking on the following social network icon.