S. Andrew Avellino, first biographer of Blessed Paul Burali: The ambassadorship in Spain and the Inquisition in Naples. (2)

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S. Andrew Avellino, first biographer of Blessed Paul Burali
The ambassadorship in Spain and the Inquisition in Naples. (2)
After the spectacular welcomes Philip II declared himself in favor of the graces the city was asking for. Shortly thereafter the King consulted with his Council, but received a completely negative response as the said favors were deemed contrary to the laws. Philip II was greatly perplexed and not knowing how to extricate himself, he left to hunt far from Madrid. The absence lasted for six months, during which time the King believed that the ambassador of the Napolitans, tedious from the delay, had left Madrid and returned to Naples. When Philip II returned, there appeared to him el Padre Don Paolo, who blurted out, ” Majesty, I have been eating the blood of the poor for so many months. Please, for God’s sake, send me.”
The King was ready to reply, “Go, Father, Appresso I will send the dispatch.” Observed the Father, “I want to carry it.” And the King: “Father, tell those Lords verbally that I will grant.” And the Father: “I will not leave here until you give me the graces in writing. What will they say. That I have spent so much money without having obtained anything?” That said, he turned away from the king with a wrinkled face. Philip II, moved with compassion, sent Vargas, his first secretary to Father and informed him not to get upset, because he would make him happy again. In fact he wrote the city the letter of concesion. Consoled by the positive outcome, Father Burali, set foot again in Naples with the graces obtained. Very flattering were the repercussions in the city especially since the humble ambaciastore had spent very little (two thousand ducats in 11 months; so long had the mission lasted, including the journey), and had wrested a concession that no one else would have begged.
Returned that was, he continued the usual tenor of life in his characteristic attitude, with great humility, nothing told of what he had accomplished. News leaked only from the mouth of the aforementioned Mr. Lucius.
O God, who manifested in Blessed Paul Burali the multiform and admirable ways of your call to Christian perfection, grant us the comfort of his heavenly protection to follow you wholeheartedly. Through Christ our Lord. Amén.
(there is a small silence to ask for the grace that each one carries in his heart)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Thought of Blessed Pablo Burali:
“Earth is a shadow, life is comedy, true concreteness must be sought in the goods beyond. The true goods are the heavenly ones” .
(Let. Of Feb. 2, 1565)